Thursday, January 17, 2013

CDPR108 - 1st Post

I have had this blog for a while now but I have never really used it to it's full potential. With Facebook and then Twitter, I never really got into the whole blogging thing. I have started to blog a bit for work - I am the Marketing and Promotions Manager for The Figure Skating Boutique, so perhaps those blogs and the use of this personal blog for school, I will get back into things.

For this first post, I don't have too much input for the course as of yet. I registered a bit late, and actually had some problems submitting the registration online (only to find out it was a problem with RAMSS), so I don't have my books yet and I have yet to do any readings for this course.

I have taken some time to figure out how to get my blogroll going, which you can see that I have on the side, and I have started to read some of the recent blog posts from these users. There is some very useful and insightful information! It makes me think that perhaps there is a lot more that I can learn from blogs, and perhaps these can be used almost like reading a very specific newspaper or magazine.

I am excited to take the time throughout this course to read more about the use of Social Media for Public Relations. I have great knowledge of social media, but I know that there is more that I can be doing with it in terms of promotions, public relations and even marketing.

I have recently switched jobs from a non-profit organization to a medium-sized business. I know that in most of the courses that I have taken so far for the PR Certificate have been geared toward non-profit organizations, so I am interested to see what I can take from this course to apply to my new position.

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