Friday, February 8, 2013

CDPR108 - Week 4

While I thought I would use this blog for more than just my PR class...this doesn't yet seem to be the case! So, on that note... here is the assignment for week 4.

As we learned this week, the content strategy is summarized as the analysis, assessment, creation and publication of content on social and web platforms. More and more I am realizing how important a content strategy is. Also... I am realizing that the explanation of a content strategy can become complicated.

 This first diagram is a relatively simple diagram. I like this one because of its simplicity. I think all three parts of this diagram relate to the "intent." What this diagram doesn't include is the distribution method. There is no discussion about what social/web platforms will be used. I also think the word "goal" should be used in the diagram.

This second diagram is similar in design as the first image, however I like the terms a bit more in this one. Business goals is an important aspect of the content strategy as this is your intent. You first need to determine your goals and then your strategy is used to support these goals. In turn, the "information" and "user needs" also support the goal. 

This third diagram is the one that I prefer. Although there is a lot of information on this image, I think it explains the idea of the content strategy perfectly. I also like that is shows an outcome! The goals are important to start the content strategy. Once we develop our strategy and implement it through the social and web platforms, it is important to keep in mind what the outcomes will be. 

When I first found these three images, I thought that one of the first two would be the ones that I preferred, however after looking through them, and thinking about using them in my own work, I realize that the third diagram is best. It is still a relatively simple diagram, but it holds a lot more information that can help keep you on track and guide you through your content strategy. I think it would be very helpful to print this one out and keep it somewhere where I can see it! This way I can stay on track and I will also be reminded of the possible outcomes of my work.