Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm behind!

Just so you know... I haven't forgotten about the Vancouver videos! They will be updated as soon as I have the time to go through and figure out how to change them and then edit them and make them into something viewable :)


Thursday, March 11, 2010

video footage

I have a TON of video footage that I took on my trip .... but when I transfered it to my computer it is in some weird file that I have to convert and THEN figure out which program to use to make it into something viewable.
I have a feeling this is going to be more like a summer job... because I do not have time right now with school and such. But I WILL have a video of some sort made at some time lol, I promise!!
It would be a waste if I didn't do something with it all.

In the meantime.... I have made a book of a bunch of my pictures with i-photo and I am going to order that soon. So if I see you in person then I will have something to show.

Until next time,

Keep dreaming! :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Shangri-La

As I told you before in a previous post, my friend Julia is friends with a girl named Karen whose parents (and her) live on the top floor of the Shangri-La. I got to go up there on two different occasions, and got a tour of the place... it is SPECTACULAR in every sense of the word!
I got some of it on video and I took some pictures of Vancouver while I was up there, but it was night time so I didn't get any good pictures of the actual apartment.
This link talks about the Shangri-La and has some pics also!

Check it out!

CLICK here!